Bob Stehn Resigns From CCAK Board After Many Years of Service

Feb 14, 2025

Dear Cross Country Alaska constituents,

At the June CCAK Board meeting Bob Stehn announced his desire to resign from the Board effective immediately. I have regretfully accepted his resignation.

Bob has selflessly served Cross Country Alaska for longer than I have had children skiing competitively (over ten years) in many capacities and particularly in recent years as treasurer and as a valued Board member. As treasurer he has been a pillar of the organization, carefully keeping track of the finances of Besh Cup races, and the large amount of money that passes through CCAK for Alaska’s Junior Olympic team. He has also made great strides toward submitting the paperwork to the IRS that we hope will advance CCAK toward becoming a tax-exempt charitable organization. This will allow us to raise money to support Alaska’s competitive skiers reach their goals. I’d hate to estimate the number of hours that Bob has dedicated to keeping the CCAK finances. His clear financial presentations at Board meetings and at the Spring Summit brought clarity to the organizations financial position.

As a Board member, Bob, in his quiet unassuming way has shown his commitment to Alaska skiers. His years of experience in the ski community and his understanding of the need for change provided the Board with a reasoned voice when various issues and controversies came before the Board. He has always been concerned that CCAK listen to our constituents, and that we do our business in an open and ethical way. He was a strong proponent of making the organization more professional by creating a Board of Directors that included not only coaches but also parents and other interested members of the ski community. The Board’s present makeup of parents, coaches, athletes, and administrators reflects Bob’s vision.

I very much regret losing Bob from the Board, but after so many years of volunteering for Cross Country Alaska, I understand his desire to put his energy toward other projects and to pass the baton on to others. He will be sorely missed on the Board but we fully expect to see Bob continue to support cross country skiing in other ways as he has done in the past.


Peter Johnson
President BOD
Cross Country Alaska